Technical Information

This page includes various technical information about the creation of this website.

Imaging Standards

For this project, I used an Epson Perfection V550 Photo Color Scanner to digitize my postcards. I originally saved my scans as PDFs but later converted them to JPEGs in order to ensure that previews of each card appeared when browsing the website.

Metadata Application Profile

The following PDF explains the metadata standards used to create this project.

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I received permission from each sender to post these cards on my website. Please note, however, that these postcards are being made available for non-commercial, personal, educational, and research use only. It is the responsibility of the user to locate and obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) or heirs for any other use.


I would like to thank Dr. John A. Walsh and associate instructor Alex Wingate for their valuable feedback and assistance with this project. I am very grateful to my mother Jane Howard, who carefully removed many postcards from my childhood bedroom door and brought them to Bloomington when she visited earlier this semester. I would also like to thank my father Larry Scheving for allowing me to use his personal scanner. I am thankful for my classmates, especially Casey Machenheimer, Josh Peters, and Julia Parkinson, who provided much needed emotional and technical support throughout the semester. Finally, I would like to thank all the individuals who have sent me postcards over the years.